The Pseudo Translate Expert is pre-configured with a number of different Pseudo-Languages. A Pseudo Language defines the changes that should be applied to segments during the mock translation.  Choose a language from the Pseudo Languages list to see how it is defined.

Applying the Pseudo Language will proceed to make the defined edits to the segments chosen in the General Tab of the Pseudo Translate expert.  The following changes are possible.

The CATALYST SDK permits changes to the way the Pseudo Translate Expert works.

Pseudo Languages Definition

See the topic Defining A Pseudo Language for information on how to set up a new language.


View Languages Online


The Alchemy Software Support team host additional pseudo-languages online.  Access to Support ensures access to the online definitions.  Use the View Online button to view and download available pseudo-languages.


Press the View Online button to view the languages hosted by the Alchemy Support team.  The resulting dialog displays online rules in the top half and your local rules in the bottom half.  Note, by default, any rules that are the same in both locations are not displayed.  Click Show All Rules to change this behaviour and display all rules in both locations.



Select a Rule and press View to see the characteristics of that language and determine if it is suitable for your needs.

Rules that are the same in both places


Use the Download button to take a copy of the language locally.  This is now your own rule on your machine that you can use as-is or modify for your own needs.  If the rule changes online, your rule will not change.


The Alchemy Support team invite you to submit new or improved rules for moderation and hosting.  Rules are not automatically hosted as they need to be validated by the support team before hosting.  Once hosted, rules are available for everyone to share and benefit from.  

To submit one of your local rules, select a local rule and press the submit button.

Online symbols

Online Rule Symbols




Rule is on local machine only


Rule is available for download from the Alchemy Support cloud


Rule is on cloud and downloaded locally


Rule is a local rule that has been submitted for inclusion on cloud