Overview: ezParse Rules for XML Documents |
This section provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to use ezParse to create custom parsing rules for XML based documents. Alchemy CATALYST can process all types of XML documents presenting only elements/attributes that are required for translation and hiding those that are not. Conditional elements or attributes within an XML document can also be parsed and included/excluded from the translation process as well.
To localize an XML document, a localization engineer needs to identify the parts of the document that require translation. In general, markup needs to be protected while data needs to be translated. While this may seem simple in principle, it can prove complex to clearly distinguish between translatable and non-translatable content. Herein lies the complexities associated with translating XML documents.
As an XML document may contain many types of character encoding, Alchemy CATALYST will interpret this encoding automatically and present the XML document for translation in the correct format. In addition to this, XML document that contain transformational style sheets can also be viewed in the Visual View pane within the Workspace window. This is especially useful when working with XML document that originate from content management systems.
Learn more about XML Documents.
Learn how to specify conditions in ezParse rules.
Learn how to define a translation-target in multi-lingual XML documents.