Alchemy CATALYST can recognize and process over 100 different file types. These files are commonly used in the development of web sites, online help systems and software applications and associated documentation. In the vast majority of cases, preparing a file for translation is accomplished simply by creating a Project TTK and inserting files into it.

Creating a Project TTK

  1. Launch Alchemy CATALYST on your desktop and select File - New Project or click the icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.

  2. Select the Project Title in the navigator and press Insert from the Project group on the HOME ribbon.  You can insert single files or opt to insert files and folders into the Catalyst project.  In the latter case, the folder structure is maintained on insert.

  3. Browse to the files you wish to insert.

  4. Click File - Save As and save your Project TTK to your desktop.

  5. Repeat these steps for each type of web site, online help, software application file or documentation format that needs to be translated.