Run Project Analysis |
Use Analysis Expert to determine (1) The amount of translation re-use you can achieve and (2) the expected cost of localizing this project. The Analysis Expert is one of several Experts that are integrated into Alchemy CATALYST and automate many of the manual steps involved in the Localization process.
The analysis phase is used to determine how much translation can be leveraged from a TM.
Click on the root of the Project TTK and select Analysis Expert from the Reporting Group on the Experts Tab.
In the Files To Analyse section add your source language files. It is recommended that you add your already created TTKs here. Catalyst can analyse raw files too, but be aware you may need to provide parsing rule information if you choose a file extension with multiple parsing rules.
In the Choose TM Sources section add the files you wish to uses as Translation Memories.
Press OK to start the Analysis process.
When the Analysis Expert finishes, examine the report to determine how much translation can be re-used from your TM. Use the figures in this report to calculate the incremental cost of completing the translation project.
More details in About Analysis Expert