Use HOME > Wordfast > TXML to export terms from your Project and store them in a TXML file. This file will be stored locally on your hard disk.


File: Use this option if you wish to extract your project to a locally hosted TXML file. Typically this file will be stored on your local hard disk or shared network drive.

Source Language: As a TXML file is multilingual, use this option to define the source language of the terms you are extracting.

Target Language: As a TXML file is multilingual, use this option to define the target language of the terms you are extracting.


Include fields

You can select the fields from your Project that are to be exported:-

Filename: Check this radio button to include the name of the file that a string came from in your exported data.

Resource Type: Select this option to include the string resource type in your exported data.

ID: Select this option to include the ID (if available) of a string during Project Export.

Memo : Click this option to include the contents of Memos in your exported data.


Export segments options

Alchemy provides a mechanism to filter the content of a Project prior to export.

All Segments: Select this option if you want all strings in a Project file to be extracted.

Translated Segments: Select this option to export only translated strings file. This means all strings with a translation status.

Untranslated Segments  Select this option to export untranslated segments. Untranslated segments have no translation status.

Flagged Segments: Select this option to export flagged segments .

Custom: Select this option to export segments with a custom status.

Additional options that can be selected are:

Remove Duplicate Strings: Select this option to ignore all duplicate strings during a Project Export.

Remove Lead/Trail Spaces: Select this option to remove all spaces from the start and end of each string.

Remove ampersands: Use this option to remove all hotkey characters from exported strings.

Exclude locked/frozen strings: Use this option to ignore all strings that are locked or frozen during a Project Export  operation.


Filter by Labels

Define segments which should be exported based on Labels applied to them. This works in combination with any other Export segment options applied.