Use the Project Statistics window to view translation statistics about the currently active Project TTK. These statistics give an accurate status of the project's word count and helps in determining the cost and schedule for a localization project.

Click to refresh the content of the Statistics pane. Alchemy CATALYST will re-calculate all project information and refresh the Statistic Report automatically.


Words: Total wordcount for all localisable strings including locked strings and keywords, i.e. all strings parsed in the resource..

Translatable: Number of words that are translatable in a Project. While segments that are locked and/or Keywords are not included in this wordcount, duplicates segments are individually included in this number.

Translated: Number of words that are marked as Translated in a Project TTK. This includes all For Review, Leveraged, Fuzzy, Machine Translated and Signed-Off segments.

For Review (Total): Total number of all strings which have a translation status other than Signed-off. Those are considered as to be reviewed and signed off.

This is the sum of For Review, Leveraged, Fuzzy and Machine translated translation statuses.

For Review: Number of words that are marked For Review () in the Project TTK.

Leveraged: Number of words that are marked Leveraged () in the Project TTK.

Fuzzy: Number of words that are marked Fuzzy Match () in the Project TTK.

Machine Translated: Number of words that are marked Machine Translated () in the Project TTK.

Signed Off: Number of words that are marked as Signed-Off () in the Project TTK.

Not Translated: Number of words that are untranslated in a Project TTK.

Untranslated Uniques: Number of translatable words minus the total number of duplicate words.

Untranslated Duplicates: Word count of untranslated duplicate  segments in that Project TTK.

Total Resources: Number of resources in a Project TTK.

Segments: Number of segments in a Project TTK.


Note all columns are displayed by default. Right click the column headers > Columns to add or remove columns.


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Use Analysis Expert for additional statistics for Project TTKs. The Analysis Expert can be used to determine the amount of translations that can be re-used from a TM format.