Define HTML settings to configure how CATALYST parses HTML files.

Show HTML scripts in the Navigator

When selected, code segments that are part of an HTML document are automatically processed and displayed in the Alchemy CATALYST Project Navigator window. These code segments are included as children to the main HTML document. In the vast majority of cases, these segments contain no translatable text.

Example of an HTML document with scripts displayed in Project Navigator.


Escape extended characters in HTML files on extraction

While selected, when extracting the HTML files from you CATALYST project, all reserved characters in the translations are converted to their equivalent HTML entity number. This includes special characters and accentuated characters.

For example:

é is replaced with &#233
< is replaced with &#60
ß is replaced with &#223


Do not include HTML charset on extraction

Alchemy CATALYST  normally outputs the relevant charset in HTML files on extraction, based on the target language of the TTK. For example:

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"/>

 Selecting this option will prevent it.


Preserve whitespace in HTML files




Configure HTML attributes to display in String List

The Elements field lists the names of tags which have at least one localisable attribute.

Adding an element will prompt to enter and Element name and an associated attribute name.
Once an Element and its associated attribute is added, additional attributes for the same element can be added clicking the Add Attribute button.

The All Tags element is a default special entry which instructs CATALYST to parse the Alt, lang and title attribute found in any HTML tag. Adding an attribute to this element will thus apply to all HTML tags in your projects.

Restore Defaults... will remove all user added Elements and Attributes and reload the default set as seen in screenshot above.