This automatic task removes or adds spaces at the segment's extremities in the translations. The Expert assesses if spaces need to be added or removed by comparing and matching the translation with the Original segment.

Differences in spaces in the translation can often lead to localization issues, from double spacing in concatenated segments to layout issues after missing spaces.

Running the expert will automatically modify the translated segments to match the Lead/Trail spaces on the selected resource in the Navigator window, recursively. Any corrected segment is listed in the Results window and its status changed to For Review.

Ignore Signed Off segments


Select this option to ignore any segment with the Signed off status. You are treating them as reviewed and final and will not be changed.

Ignore Labelled Segments


Select this option to ignore one or more custom label from your Catalyst user profile.
"Project only" labels are not available until imported from project in OBJECT ribbon.

Mark Adjusted Segments With Label


Use this option to apply a label to any modified segment. Enabling you to sort or filter by Label to quickly review the segments.
The label used is Lead/Trail spaces fixed.


This Lead/Trail Spaces functionality is also available in the Navigator window in the right-click context menu.