Click the Glossaries button in the Terms window to select a glossary and use it for terminology lookups. Alchemy CATALYST supports numerous glossary formats:  TXT, TBX and TMX. Any number of these formats can be used simultaneously to provide detailed terminology lookups during translation.

Once you click the Glossaries button, your options are:

Adding a glossary


  1. Click  to add a glossary to the list.

  2. Click   to locate a glossary file and click OK to load the glossary into Alchemy CATALYST.

Removing a glossary


Highlight the glossary to be removed and click to permanently remove it from the list of glossaries.

Activating or Deactivating a glossary



Only glossary files that are active will be used for terminology lookups. An active glossary has a mark adjacent to it in the glossary list.

  1. Click on the checkbox adjacent to each glossary to make it active and available for terminology lookups.

The text right of the Glossaries button will enumerate how many glossaries are marked as active.

Selecting a glossary match



Use the ALT+Arrow Key combinations to select translation suggestions from the Reference Window.

Shortcut Key


ALT+Right Arrow Key

Get next translation suggestion from Glossary window.

ALT+Down Arrow Key

Get the current translation suggestion from Glossary window.

ALT+Left Arrow Key

Get previous translation suggestion from Glossary window.

The order in which glossaries appear in this list is important. The first glossary in the list will be searched first for matching terminology, then the second and so on. As each match is located, it will be displayed in the Glossary Window.

The contents of the Glossary Window is always sorted by the priority in which the glossaries are defined in this list.