From right to left, the Translator Toolbar contains the following features:



Set/Reset Lock

Click this button to apply a lock to the currently selected string.

Set/Reset Translated

Click this button to set or reset the Translation Status of a string.

Set/Reset Review

Click this button to set or reset the For Review status of a string.

Set/Reset Signoff

Click this button to set or reset the Signed Off status of a string.

Flag Segment

Click this button to set a Flag on the selected string.

Previous Item

Click this button to move to the previous item in the project.

Previous string

Click this button (or use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+ENTER) move to the previous string.

Next string

Click this button (or use the ENTER key) to advance to the next string.

Next Item

Click this button to advance to the next item in your project.

Previous Untranslated

Click to move directly to the previous untranslated segment in the project workspace.

Next Untranslated

Click to move directly to the next untranslated segment in the project workspace.

Undo / Redo

Click this button to undo or redo the most recent operations.

Decrease Font Size

This button reduces the font used to display text in user-interface.  It has no affect on the content of the files being localized

Increase Font Size

This button increases the font used to display text in user-interface.  It has no affect on the content of the files being localized

Toggle Bi-di

Click this button to switch between normal and bidirectional text entry. This is useful for working on Arabic or Hebrew texts.

Toggle Space Markers

Use this button to show white-space markers.  White space markers will indicate spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.  This can be useful during localization in pointing out lead or trail spaces for example.

Show/Hide tags at Extremities

Click this option to toggle extremity tags.  Extremity tags may provide information about formatting, but are not necessary for translation.  As such they can be safely switched off.

Insert Inline Tag

Click this button to select an inline-tag from a predefined menu.

Toggle Automatic Get Translation

Enable this option to automatically populate a selected segment with the best translation match available in the Active TM. This includes matches from the Recycle Translation.

Toggle ezType

ezType completes words you are typing.  This button switches that feature on and off.

Refresh context links

Refresh the contents of the Reference browser by clicking this button.

Automatic Validation

This button switches on and off the automatic online validation feature.  Automatic online validation will performs Validation Tests on the current segment as the user advances to the next segment


Click this button to run the selected Validation Tests on the current segment.

Spell Check

Click this button to perform a Spell Check on the currently selected string.