Leverage Expert

Alchemy CATALYST provides powerful Translation Memory technology called ezMatch, which allows localization professionals to reuse previous translations. The Leverage Expert This Expert is used to re-use previously translated material. TTKs, TMX, XLIFF XML Localization Interchange File Format, SDL TM Abbreviation: Translation Memory Server and TRAODS Translators Professional linguist specializes in the localization of web site, online help systems and software applications. Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.XLIFF , SDL TM Server and TRAODS Translators Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.) is designed to maximize the amount of translations that can be reused from multiple file formats.

In the example above, a Project TTK, SDL TRADOS Workbench file and an Alchemy Language Exchange Translation Memory have been defined as TM sources.

The Alchemy CATALYST Leverage Expert can reuse translations from the following TM standards:

Alchemy CATALYST Project TTK

Alchemy Language Exchange

SDL TM Server

TRADOS Translators Workbench (all versions)

XLIFF Document

TMX Document

Bi-Lingual Text File

SDL Teamworks 2.0 and 3.0

Idiom WorldServer

One of the most unique and powerful features of ezMatch technology is its ability to not only leverage translations, but also to leverage coordinate and layout information. This means that all translation and localization engineering work can be reused from project to project.

To launch the Leverage Expert, choose it from the Experts Toolbar, or select Tools - Leverage Expert.


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