Leverage: Options Tab

The Leverage Expert This Expert is used to re-use previously translated material. TTKs, TMX, XLIFF XML Localization Interchange File Format, SDL TM Abbreviation: Translation Memory Server and TRAODS Translators Professional linguist specializes in the localization of web site, online help systems and software applications. Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.XLIFF , SDL TM Server and TRAODS Translators Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.) can be configured to suit your specific requirements. For example, you may want to Leverage from a TM but ignore all the co-ordinate information. Alternatively, you may only wish to Leverage translations from the same objects types to improve the quality of your translation re-use. You use this tab to specify these options.

Setting Software Specific Options

Exclude Coordinates from Leverage


Select this option if coordinates are to be ignore during a leverage operation.

Exclude Text from Leverage


Select this option if you want to ignore translation during a leverage operation. The net effect of this is to just leverage the coordinate information from a TM .

Add missing ampersands


This is a useful option when you are using TM that do not have any hotkeys defined. Selecting this option will insert a hotkey during the Leverage operation to all strings that are missing hotkeys.

Expand x-coordinate by....


This option is normally used in conjunction with Exclude Coordinates from Leverage and it forces each control to expand by a set amount to accommodate new translation.

Setting Generic Leverage Options

These configuration options apply to all file and document types that are stored in your project Your project is where you manage and organize all the files that are to be localised. or are selected from the Navigator.

Leverage from same object type only


Select this option if you want translations leveraged from identical objects in your TM. This means that if the object types don't match, the translation will not be re-used.

Leverage Locks


Select this option if you require any existing memos to be copied across to the new TTK project file during the leverage operation.

Leverage Memos


Similar to the above option, except locking information will also be copied over during a leverage operation.

Only mark For Review if text changes


Select this option if you want text assigned the status ‘For Review’ only when it differs from the original source. For example, the button ‘OK’ is the same in English and in German, so selecting this option will mark this control as translated.

Retain Signed-off These are segments/strings in a Project TTK file that have been marked as 'Signed-off' and final.This is the translation status applied to a string that has been translated, reviewed and eventually signed-off by an Editor or translator. status


By default all text that is copied during a leverage operation is assigned the status ‘Leveraged, For Review’. However, if the copied translation is already marked as ‘Signed Off’, selecting this option will inherit this status in your newly leveraged TTK project file.

Setting Advanced Options

Alchemy CATALYST supports the leverage of translation units that do not identically match items in the translation memory.  This Fuzzy matching algorithm is called ezMatch™ technology and is used to maximize the level of translation reuse during a leverage operation.


Use Fuzzy Matching  at


This is the level at which a Translation Unit The most basic data object stored in a TTK. It contains Source and Target text for each item within the TTK. Each Translation Unit also has Trait Information associated with it. will be excluded from the search results of a Fuzzy match. For example, if you set the threshold at 75%, then all translations units that score less than 75% of similarity are excluded from the fuzzy search results.

Best __ fuzzy matches


The option limits the number of matches that the ezMatch™ Fuzzy algorithm locates and presents for selection to the translator or stored in the TM Hits file.

Output TM Hits to a file


Select this option if you want all your fuzzy matches stored in an external TMX file. This file can then be dispatched to your external translator so that they can review all fuzzy matches themselves. This switch is useful is an Engineer wants to pre-translate only 100% exact matches and leave all fuzzy match translations to a qualified translator.

 Interactive: Displays strings when a fuzzy match is found


Selecting this option will pause the leverage operation each time a fuzzy translation match is found allowing the translator to select the most appropriate from a list.

Fuzzy Match

Alchemy CATALYST generally searches for exact matches. Fuzzy matching is a technique used to find data that is similar rather than identical to the search argument. Alchemy CATALYST uses the fuzzy match technique to search the translation memory for matches that are similar as well as matches that are identical to the search text.

In practise, this means that the current source segment is matched against those already present in the translation memory. Alchemy CATALYST calculates the degree of similarity between the current source segment and matching source segments from the translation memory. The degree of similarity is expressed as a percentage value. The segment with the highest match value (a 100% match value indicates an identical match) is selected as best match. Other less similar matches are presented as well. You can paste any of the suggested matches into your translation. Differences between the current source segment and fuzzy matches from the translation memory are highlighted in colour codes, making it easier to edit the matches you choose.

Alchemy CATALYST allows you to set the percentage fuzzy match value to a minimum acceptable level. Segments from the translation memory must achieve this value before they can qualify as fuzzy matches. All segments below this minimum value are treated as no match segments.