Finding Duplicates/Repetitions

Alchemy CATALYST has a special filter used to locate repeating occurrences of segments in a project. This Duplicates Filter sorts the content of the project or a section of it according to the number of repeated occurrences of each string.  

  1. Open the sample Project TTK PowerTranslate.ttk in the sample folder in the Alchemy CATALYST installation folder.  

  2. Click on the root of the Project TTK, and select Show All Strings from the Project Navigator pane.

  3. Select the Duplicates Filter from the PowerTranslate Toolbar. A list of all repeating translation unit will be displayed in the Project Workspace pane.

  4. Click on the first string and translate it using the Translator Toolbar. Select the Repeat Translation button to replicate this translation.

  5. To drag and drop translations to other parts of the list, click on a translated string then select the Interactively Repeat Translation Mode  button. Clicking on any string will now translate it automatically. Click this button again to change back into normal translation mode or simply hit the ESC key to quit out of this mode.

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