Installing Catalyst 11.02 SP2:
Please ensure Alchemy Catalyst is not running before installing the service pack. The major enhancements included in this second service pack can only be installed as part of the full installer, no patch installer is available for this release.
This maintenance release addresses and enhances a number of important areas within Alchemy CATALYST 11.0.
SP2 Major Enhancements
Spell Check Support
- HunSpell dictionaries are now incorporated as internal dictionaries in Catalyst for both 32 bit and 64 bit editions. The old Polar dictionaries are now obsolete and will no longer be present. You can customise your required dictionary languages during installation or install the defaults.
- ContextLink is now available for reading and writing in both the COM and the Event API. The user can now also update ContextLink from validation and pseudo-translation plugins.
Proxy Settings
- Proxy settings can now be configured via the Catalyst UI, see File | Options | Online Services.
Usage Counters
- In order to identify usage patterns, the sending of anonymous usage statistics has now been implemented as a new feature in Catalyst. The data received will be used as a guide for focusing on the development of useful new features and enhancement of existing functionality. Users may opt out of participating by unchecking the checkbox File | Options | Send anonymous usage statistics to Alchemy.
Machine Translation Engines
- Microsoft MT and KantanMT Connectors now supported.
SP2 Minor Enhancements
File Support
- Insertion of a resx file now completes where referenced files such as images are not present on disk.
- Where size and location attributes are missing in pre .Net Framework version 4 resx files, visual view has now been improved.
- For XLIFF files the segmentation options for on and off are now governed by the Segmentation Options Sentence based parsing and Paragraph based parsing.
- Support for Android APK files has been updated.
- Improvements in parsing and processing documentation files implemented.
- If file is present in user's public folder it will be used when inserting doc format files. This file can be used to set specific include/exclude parsing options. Please contact our Support Team for further information.
- Tag handling on Leverage into an XLIFF file now implemented.
- Improvements with regards to the checkout of a license from ANLM through ezScript.
- Improvement of insertion of .Net assemblies where the assembly source code attempts to change a visual property at application level while Catalyst runs in a non-visual mode.
- File by File Analysis Log breakdown when within the TTK file using /verbose switch. See ezScript.chm | Analysis Expert for further information.
- Find and Replace can now be carried out in ezScript. See ezScript.chm | Find and Replace for further information.
- Change Dialog Font feature - can now change font of all exe/dlls in a ttk using /all switch. See ezScript.chm | Change Dialog Font for further information.
- Leverage Expert - it is now possible to use a Machine Translation connection string for Leverage.
- It is now possible to export and import Object Types to .ini file for Pseudo Translate, Leverage and Validate Experts. Please see ezScript.chm | User Profiles for further information.
- A TM Penalty can now be set during ezScript for Leverage and Analysis. See ezScript.chm for the syntax for this setting.
Right to Left Support
- Right to Left text is now displayed correctly in the string list.
- Right to Left direction now used for relevant Source/Target Languages in the Translator Toolbar based on the Source and Target language set for the TTK.
- CHM/HTML files - RTL property written into the "HTML" or "BODY" tag and can be seen when visualising a HTML file in Visual View.
- The Acrolinx SDK plugin updated to version 4.2, which is available for both 32 bit and 64 bit. Please contact our Support Team for further information.
- Improvements to term identification added to Term Harvest.
- The source glossary name for a term match is now displayed. The full path to the glossary can be seen by hovering over the glossary icon.
- Spellchecking is now triggered by word delimiters when Check spelling as you type is checked in File | Options | Spell Check.
- Check for updates - moved to separate thread so that it does not delay Catalyst start-up.
- COM API help file SDKGuide.chm updated with all SDK information.