Alchemy CATALYST 11.0 Release Notes
Build 110132 SP1
- Export to XLIFF - Inline tags are formatted correctly and the outputted file passes XLIFF validation tests.
- XML files with UTF-16 encoding are now correctly supported in XML Visual View.
Bug Fixes:
- Some memory leaks after closing a TTK file specific to DDF files have been identified and fixed.
- ezType - ezType completes translations although not enabled - fixed.
- ezType - CTRL+Shift+S caused text to be added by ezType when enabled - now fixed to just apply Sign-off status.
Build 110127
- GDI Object Leaks which were causing instability issues have been detected and resolved.
- Memory now released on changing or discarding string list.
Bug Fixes:
- Focus on dialog resource in Navigator windows lost in Visual View meaning that dialog resizing could not take place using the keyboard - resolved.
- Special characters in string IDs not converted to XML character references in XLIFF export - resolved.
- Word Doc - Catalyst now correctly handles Hyperlinks in Doc file formats.
- Stability issue addressed where Auto Translate launched while Office Spellchecker enabled and Automatic Validation active.
- Issue when deleting sets of multiple files consecutively from the Navigator fixed.
- Insert files and folders or drag and drop files into a .ttk file - correct file encoding now read.
- Update Expert only updating XLIFF files correctly if they had the extension *.txlf - now fixed.
- The Status column in the Navigator pane now maintains consistency with resource type statuses.
- Memos now exported to glossary for BAML resources and Find & Replace in memos on BAML also implemented.
- Memos were not being reverted for some filetypes - resolved.
- Strings with line feeds - Space Markers on - insert inline tags no longer causes preceding tags to move position.
- Validate Expert - Mark validation errors now implemented for Inconsistent Keywords test and on all tests performed on Ribbon resource types.
- Validate Expert - now reports when Menu accelerator resource types contain Inconsistent Keywords.
Build 110117
- Validate Expert results are now written to the results pane after processing each file or resource group, speeding up processing time.
- Accelerator Keys for the Export to XLIFF and Import from XLIFF options added.
- Error message now output to the results pane on importing XLIFF from child ttks created by Project Division Expert into parent ttk.
Bug Fixes:
- In the Validate Expert for the test Inconsistent Keywords the result hyperlinks for .NET resources was not scrolling the string into view and edits made in Translator Toolbar were not saved; this is resolved.
- Win32 binary files - PNG and Ribbon resources - issues relating to insertion and extraction resolved.
- Importing .ini file resulting in duplicated file lists in Leverage Expert TMs, Active TM and Term Sources; this is resolved.
- Issue where the length of string changed by 1 when the Max Size was applied; this is resolved.
- Deleting unused build references in build 110112 caused Leverage from .tm in Catalyst x64 to stall; this is resolved.
Build 110112
- Improvements in processing time for Find and Replace and Apply Keywords/Locks operations in the UI implemented.
- Additional information provided in ezScript.chm and SDK11.chm
Bug Fixes:
- The SDK 11 is now updated to fully register the COM interface in the registry.
- Keywords now correctly displayed on strings containing line feeds.
- An issue with a particular string in a HTML script not being extracted correctly has been resolved.
- Filename entry field in the Update Expert's Select Files dialog now present.
- TMX as Active TM - parsing information text in status bar corrected.