Filters are used to organize the Project Workspace pane. For example, it's possible to use a filter to display only untranslated strings, or strings marked for review etc. In addition to this you can build your own filters.



Filters can be selected from the Quickfind toolbar or from the Project Navigator

Filters are available in the Project Navigator pane or from a drop-down list at the top of the Project Workspace pane. The most frequently used filters are:


Default: This displays all strings categorised into lists and grouped by all translation status.


Untranslated: Select this filter to view only strings that have not been translated.


For Review: This filter displays strings that have been translated and need to be reviewed by a senior editor or translator.


Signed Off: Select this filter to see strings that have been marked 'SignedOff'.


Duplicates: Use this filter to display only repeated strings. This is a very powerful filter and is typically used at the start of a project to ensure all repeating strings are translated consistently.


Coordinates-Leveraged: This filter is used to detect and display strings that have had co-ordinate changes applied during a translation leverage. Very useful for engineers to determine what has moved position on dialog panels after a Leverage.


Parent ID: This filter sorts the contents of a Project  by the Parent ID metadata.


Untranslated with Locks:  This filter displays only segments that are untranslated and are locked.


Flagged Items: This filter sorts a Project into items that have been flagged.


Inconsistent Translated: This filter sorts a Project into a list containing inconsistent translations.


Inconsistent Source: This filter sorts a Project into a list containing inconsistent source segments.


No Filter: No filter is applied in this mode and segments appear as they are encountered in the resource.  It is still possible to sort by any column in the string list.  


Note:  Hidden segments are visible in this mode, though not available for edit.



Filters and Quickfind work in tandem to provide the maximum amount of flexibility is organising the content of the Project Workspace pane.  Use the Default filter to search the entire content of the Project Workspace pane.