Alchemy CATALYST can process individual help topic files (ie HTML documents) and compiled Help files (ie CHM archives) directly. You follow the same process for inserting each file type.

Inserting Help Topic Files

Inserting Compiled Help Files

Help Project File (HPP)

The Help project File (HPP) is used by the Microsoft Help Compiler when re-compiling a translated help file. This file can be inserted into a Project TTK at the same time as the compiled CHM file.

This file is optional and not essential to the translation of the help system. However, if you do not have the HPP file, you will be unable to re-compile the translated help system from within Alchemy CATALYST. In this situation, you should extract all individual files from the Project TTK and then rebuild the translated help system manually using the Microsoft Help Compiler.

The Microsoft Help Compiler needs to be fully installed on your desktop when working with compiled CHM files. These files are included with Alchemy CATALYST. You can manually install this on your desktop by launching the HHUpd.exe application. This is stored in TOOLS  in the Alchemy CATALYST installation folder.

Including additional files during insertion

Additional files can also be included when inserting a compiled help file into a Project TTK. These additional files may include map files, link files or additional style sheets.