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Alchemy CATALYST Translator/Lite Edition

Alchemy CATALYST Translator/Lite is a FREE translation companion to the Alchemy CATALYST Developer/Pro Edition. It allows TTKs to be distributed quickly and easily to multiple translators and provides them with visual editors and interactive validators to ensure that the translation process is fast, smooth and error free.

Alchemy CATALYST: Translator/Lite Edition is the most powerful downloadable translation environment in the industry today!

Product Download

Looking for a Translator/Lite License file?

Download the CATALYST Translator/LITE License file

A license file needs to be copied to your desktop drive in order for Alchemy CATALYST Translator/LITE to run and open Project TTKs.

Download your license file.

This license file is suitable for installations of Alchemy Catalyst 2025 and previous versions.


1) Save the license file to the following folder:

C:\Users\Public\Alchemy Software\Catalyst X

2) Reboot your computer.

When you next launch Alchemy CATALYST, it will configure itself as a Translator/Lite Edition.


Video Tutorials

Installing CATALYST 2019 Translator/LITE


Getting started Translating with CATALYST 2019

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