Use Application Settings to configure the general behavior and appearance of the various visual editors that make up the Alchemy CATALYST project environment.

Go to HOME > Settings > Application

Autosave: Use this option to automatically save Project TTK files at regular intervals.

You may specify a directory where Alchemy CATALYST will store this autosaved projects. The default unless changed is the AutoSave folder in the CATALYST public folder location.


Create backup files: Use this option to generate a .bak file each time you save your CATALYST project.

When selected, on saving a project, CATALYST first renames the last saved .ttk file to .bak and then proceeds with saving the project as a new .ttk file (same filename of course).

Thus the previous save is now the .bak file, and the lastest save the .ttk file.


In case of problems with the .ttk file, rename the .bak file to .ttk to restore the previous save.


Use New Project Expert when creating TTKs: Use this option to launch the New project dialog when creating a new CATALYST Project.



Without this option selected, CATALYST will not launch the above dialog, create a new project in the navigator window with the default title "-Project Title-" and set the source and target languages as per default settings  in FILE > Options > Project Languages.


Check for Updates on startup: CATALYST checks online for software updates when started and reports in the Results window if a new version is available. Deselect to forgo this check.


Show project Selection dialog on startup: Select this option to see the Project Selection dialog box each time Alchemy CATALYST is launched



Display inline tags in string view: Select this option to display inline tags in the string view of the Project WorkSpace pane.


This option can also be turned on or off in the VIEW ribbon.


Enable Machine Translation in any projects I create: Select this option to enable machine translation services in your Project TTK.
The option selected here will be reflected as the default option selected in the New Project dialog.


Store Segments History in any project I create: Select this option to record all segment changes made by individual users in the Segment History window.


Saving CATALYST projects is fastest with this option deselected.
Tracking segment changes requires more information to be recorded.


The option selected here will be reflected as the default option selected in the New Project dialog.


Set individual string locks when freezing objects: Use this option to apply individual locks to sub-items when freezing group items in the Project Navigator window.


Include debug information for runtime validation: Select this option to embed debug information into your desktop applications when running the Alchemy CATALYST Runtime Validate Expert. This debug information contains location information for each elements on a dialog box. This information is used to determine the location of errors during runtime validation.


Reference Root: Set the folder to be the root path to any file referenced in Context Links.


CATALYST Sign-in: This is the default name that will be used to identify changes in History records for each item in a project.

Temp Folder: The default path to the temp folder is listed here so it can be easily copied and pasted into your File explorer window to review the contents.


Although Catalyst manages the deletion of temporary files, there may be legacy files created or files which could not be deleted successfully due to some circumstances.


An excess of temporary files can have an impact on performance of applications.

Any temp folder which is not currently in use by Catalyst is notified here and pressing the Clean-up button will delete it.