Overview: Alchemy Experts

Alchemy Experts are designed to automate repetitive tasks frequently found within the localization workflow. For example, you may want to re-use translations from previous projects using the Leverage Expert This Expert is used to re-use previously translated material. TTKs, TMX, XLIFF, SDL TM Server and TRAODS Translators Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.XLIFF XML Localization Interchange File Format, SDL TM Abbreviation: Translation Memory Server and TRAODS Translators Professional linguist specializes in the localization of web site, online help systems and software applications. Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.L (Abbreviation: Translation Memory)TM Server and TRAODS Translators Workbench files are all supported by this Expert.) or automatically detect localization bugs using the Validate Expert This Expert is used to automatically detect localisation problems and bugs. Example of validation checks are: Translation consistency, duplicate hotkeys, overlapping controls, clipped text, mis-translation etc.. Depending on your license, Alchemy CATALYST comes with the following Experts:

Leverage Expert


This Expert is sued to maximize the re-use of translation and to pre-translate new content with previous translations.

Validate Expert


Use this expert to automatically detect 90% of the errors commonly introduced during the translation and engineering process.

Pseudo-Translate Expert


This expert is used by developers to verify that their software, web sites or online help systems can be easily translated. They also use it to verify that no hard-coded strings exist in software applications.

Comparison Expert


Determining the scope of change is vital in planning localization projects. This expert identifies differences between projects and displays it is a very visual and easy to understand report.

Analysis Expert


Use this expert to calculate the amount of translation re-use that can be achieved using Translations Memories and to predict the incremental costs of a localization project .

Update Expert


This expert is used to replace a single file in a project with the latest version of that file. During the operation, this expert use the Leverage Expert and re-use as much translation from your TMs as possible.

QuickShip Expert


This experts creates special translation bundles that can be sent to freelance translators. These translators can then use the free edition of Alchemy CATALYST to translate and engineer your software, online help or web site.

Most of these experts can operate on the currently active project or on a folder of files. This makes them very powerful and ideal for large scale automation of the localization process. For example, it is possible to use the Validate Expert to validate an entire folder of files in one simple operation. Alternatively, if you want to embed some of the functionality of these Experts into a build system or a workflow, the ezScript programming language can be used. For more information on ezScript, please refer to ezScript Programmer's Reference Guide.

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