Each segment has a translation status indicator associated with it. This is maintained automatically by Alchemy CATALYST and can be used by professional translators to track the status of each segment as it progresses through the translation workflow. The status of each segment is displayed alongside it in the Project Workspace pane. Additionally some of this status information is also displayed alongside individual and group items in the Project Navigator pane.



Use Filters to sort the contents of a Project TTK into different lists based on translation status indicators.

Translation Workflow

The status of a segment  follows a defined three stage workflow. The three states are: Untranslated, For Review and Signed Off.



For Review


Signed Off

No Image displayed





For example, each segment is initially assigned the status of Untranslated. It is then translated by a professional translator and automatically assigned the status For Review. The segment is then reviewed by a Senior Translator/Editor and assigned the status Signed Off.  This forms the basic translation workflow of Alchemy CATALYST.

Using these three basic status indicators, it is easy for a translator to filter his work base. For example, it is possible to open a project and only view segments that are Untranslated or perhaps an Editor may want to view only segments that have been translated and need to be reviewed. In this scenario, the project would be filtered using the For Review filter.


Use the Translator Toolbar to set or reset the translation status of segments at any stage of the translation workflow.

Other Translation Status Information

In addition to the basic three status indicators of a segment, there are other status indicators that the Leverage Expert can assign  which can help professional translators track the progress of their work and how it was re-used from a Translation Memory.

Translation Status

Displayed As


Leveraged 100% For Review


This is assigned by the Leverage Expert  and indicates that a 100% match has been found in a  Translation Memory  and that this segment now needs to be reviewed by an Editor.

Fuzzy Leveraged For Review


This is assigned by the Leverage Expert  and indicates that a fuzzy match has been found in a  Translation Memory  and that this segment now needs to be reviewed by an Editor.


What do you want to do?

Filter the contents of a project using Translation Status

Use the Leverage Expert to pre-translate a project using a Translation Memory

Change the status of a segment using the Translator Toolbar