The contents of the Project Navigator can be assigned the following Status Indicators to help engineers and project managers organize a Project TTK and to prevent items for being translated.

Status Indicator

Displayed As



This status is only applied to items in the Project Navigator, and freezes an item and its sub-elements so that they cannot be translated while preserving the locking status of each segment within each item.

For example, suppose a number of segments are Locked, however, you wish to temporarily prevent the entire item from being translated. In this scenario, you would Freeze the item in the Project Navigator pane.

When you Unfreeze the item, the locked status of each segment will be preserved automatically.

The option to Set individual string locks changes this behaviour. Now freezing an item will apply individual Locks to each segment.

However, since Alchemy CATALYST does not know if a lock was applied to a segment locally or globally using this method, when you unfreeze the item all locks will be removed automatically.



Item needs to be translated as a priority.


Item has a memo attached. The memo is displayed in the Properties Pane of the Translator Toolbar.


Item has been exported to a Project TTK  file.

Extract as Original

Extracts the original item from a Project TTK file.

To set/reset any of this status indicators, please refer to Setting Project TTK Properties.