The Translator Toolbar is designed to centralize all the functions that a Translator needs to carry out their work efficiently and quickly.

Translation suggestions are displayed here while glossary matches are listed in the Terms window. If a segment has no translation suggestion available for it, the translator can use Machine Translation to create one for any segment.


Overview: Translator Toolbar

The Translator Toolbar Consists of the Following Panes

Toolbar Buttons

Changing the Translation Status of a Segment

The Translator Toolbar is designed to centralize all the functions that a Translator needs to carry out their work efficiently and quickly. 


Inline tags in the Translator Toolbar

Inline tags are represented graphically in the Translator Toolbar by colored rectangles with the tag element name. Rectangles pointing to the right represent an Opening tag , while those pointing to the left are matching closing tag . A rectangle pointing both ways represent a self closing tag .

More on Inline tags in the Translator Toolbar.


TM Reference Pane

Suggested translations are displayed here. Suggestions can be either identical or similar matches, referred to as Fuzzy Matches. A percentage score is displayed adjacent to each match and several matches may be available for each source segment. When a suggested translation is not a 100% match, the difference are highlighted in Red.

In the reference tab, the source segment is above the translated segment which is the opposite to the translator toolbar source and target fields.

This is so that the source segments are above one another to facilitate comparison. The font and alignment are the same for quick visual assessment and any difference is highlighted in red.

Use the Next  and Previous buttons (5) to view different matches for the current segment. The fuzzy value for the next and previous matches are displayed either side of these buttons.

Multiple TMs can be specified in the Active TM tab. This helps achieve higher translation re-use during a project.

For each translation match, the details line offers the following information:

1- The source type of the translation suggestion. In the example above, the translation suggestion has come from an Alchemy desktop TM file and the symbol is used to signify this.

4- The status of the translation suggestion in the Translation Memory.

2- The Percentage of translation match.

If the suggestion is a 100% match BUT the status of the translation in the TM is a Fuzzy Match, then that TM fuzzy match score is what is listed.

3- The filename of the Translation Memory.






Next Suggestion

Fetch and display next translation suggestions from Active TMs.

[Ctrl] + [+]

Previous Suggestion

Fetch and display previous translation suggestions from Active TMs.

[Ctrl] + [-]

For more information on using Translations Memories, please refer to Using Active Translation Memories.


Recycled Translations

Recycled translations are translated segments that have been translated previously in the current Project TTK. These are also displayed in the Translator Toolbar's Reference tab.

In the example above, the symbol is displayed as the TM source type. This signifies that the suggested translation comes for the existing Project file and not any active TM.  

Similar to TM suggestions, the Status, the Percentage and the filename of the suggestion in are displayed.  

Click here for more information on Recycled Translations.


Segment Properties

Each individual segment has associated properties which are displayed in the Properties window. The properties range from the segment character count to coordinates.

Additional information (referred to as MetaData) can be added in this window.

Learn more About the Properties window.


Second Mouse Button and Accelerators

Use the 2nd mouse button to access the following functionality while working in the Translator Toolbar.

Concordance Searching ( [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Up Arrow] )


This searches for the highlighted text using the Alchemy Concordance Manager.

Add Glossary Term ( [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Y] )


Adds the highlighted term/phrase to the supplementary glossary. It is possible to highlight text from both the source and target panes.

Lock/Unlock Keyword ( [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [K] )


Highlight a term/phrase and click this option to use it as a keyword.

Lock/Unlock Keyword & Add to File


Highlight a term/phrase and click this option to use it as a keyword and also add it to your keyword file.


These shortcuts only create a keyword for this instance of the highlighted term/phrase. To make every instance a keyword, use the option Experts | Locks & Keywords | Apply Locks & Keywords.




There are several powerful Accelerators provided when you click on the 2nd mouse button. These provides a powerful, yet easy to extend, mechanism for enhancing the functionality available to translators. Accelerator functionality can be provided by 3rd Party companies and Alchemy CATALYST provides several default accelerators to assist translators in their work.




Dictionary Lookup

This uses to lookup a term or phrase.

Thesaurus Lookup

This uses to lookup a term or phase and suggest an alternative.

Terminology Lookup

This uses Microsoft Language Portal to lookup a term/phrase for the approved Microsoft translation.


You can add your own Accelerators to work within the Translator Toolbar. These can be defined in external_commands.xml which is located in your User Public folder. Click here to see an example of this file.



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