The Translator Toolbar is designed to centralize all the functions that a Translator needs to carry out their work efficiently and quickly.


Overview: Translator Toolbar

image33.gif The Translator Toolbar Consists of the Following Windows/Panes

image33.gif Toolbar Buttons

image33.gif Changing the Translation Status of a Segment

image33.gif Finding Next/Previous Fuzzy Match

image33.gif Displaying Fuzzy Matches

Active Translation Memories

A translation memory is said to be Active when it is listed in the Active TM tab of the Translator Toolbar.

An Active TM can be used for translation lookups and any suggestions found are displayed in the Reference pane.

Translations can stored in your desktop translation memory.

To configure a desktop translation memory using Alchemy LANGUAGE EXCHANGE Express, please refer to the My TM menu item reference material.

What Do You Want to Do?


Use a Translation Memory for translation lookups.


Configure a Glossary for terminology suggestions.


Work with inline tags while translating a segment.


Use the PowerTranslate toolbar to select translations from the Reference pane.